Pee Wee and the Magical Compost Heap – Book Review
Pee Wee And The Magical Compost Heap is the first story in a series of three children’s books based on the character Pee Wee Worman, which was made possible through a grant from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. It is illustrated with pencil sketches by Alia Toor of musical notes, sunflowers, children, compost piles, worms and other critters found in a compost pile, tiny lady bugs, plant parts and winding vines grace each page as readers follow the story.
The Cat, Green Eggs and Dr SeussThe influence of Dr Seuss, both on adults and on two children whose book-responses were studied up to eight. Learning to read with The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham.
Grandpa for Sale! – A Children’s Book Pick of the Week From the Writing for Children CenterA review of Grandpa for Sale! – a children’s picture book by Dottie Enderle and Vicki Sansum
Girls and Their Dogs – A Children’s Book Pick From the Writing for Children CenterA review of the ultimate book for girls and their dogs!
Mine! Mine! Mine! A Children’s Picture Book Pick from The Writing for Children CenterA review of Mine! Mine! Mine! A children’s picture book from author Shelly Becker.
The Ant in the CellarThe Ant In The Cellar, by Danielle Rosenblatt is a fun children’s book written similarly to Dr. Seuss rhyming style – did I say fun? It really is. An ant that lives in a family home creates silly and amusing stories.
Do You Know Where Sea Turtles Go? Children’s Environmental Book Is A Must ReadOriginally written as a children’s’ story, this book is already becoming an important educational guide. Directed at the 4 – 8 year old group, it stresses the importance of knowing what their environment is facing as they mature.
Lelooni and The Unlikely Flying Object-Textiles to BooksTextiles into books? Strange but true Lelooni, trickster moon of the planet Intarsia is our hero. Bored and looking for mischief, he finds a fishing rod, which he used to snatch items from the unsuspecting residents of Intarsia.
History Written for ChildrenWhen is history fun? When it is told or written in story form.
The Cat in the Hat QuotesThis article is all about Cat in the Hat quotes. The Cat in the Hat is a famous children’s book written by Dr Seuss in 1957, and it is full of entertaining quotes.
Cheshire Cat QuotesThis article is all about the Cheshire cat and Cheshire cat quotes. Alice in Wonderland is discussed along with several of place Cheshire cat quotes are found.
Slap Happy – Book ReviewSlap Happy by Alan Dworsky and Betsy Sansby is an illustrated instructional book that teaches rhythms to groups of youth. The book comprises of 72-pages in total, 3 of which are blank charts at the back of the book that readers can photocopy and use to chart their own songs using the rhythms from the book. Sources for further study can also be found at the end of the book including CD’s, books and videos for West African rhythms for djembe drums and Afro-Cuban rhythms for conga drums. Beginning with simple practice patterns, the authors gradually increase the difficulty level.